We want to be informed about illegal behavior in our company so that we can investigate and stop such behavior. We therefore encourage anyone – whether an employee, former colleague, customer, supplier or third party – to report any violations of law.

As a general rule, employees/interns should first contact their manager. Outside parties can contact their internal contacts. We recognize that this may not be practical or possible in all cases. For this reason, we have established a confidential reporting line through our data protection service provider, yourIT, for individuals who become aware of violations in the course of their employment.

You may contact our privacy officer directly, who, along with his team, will receive reports. You can reach him by email or phone first. Depending on your needs as a whistleblower, he will also provide you with a secure digital exchange platform and/or meet with you.

How to reach our reporting line:

yourIT GmbH
By email:
By phone: +49 7433 30098-30
Certified according to DIN ISO/IEC 27001:2015

All information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be made available directly to the appropriate individuals for review. You can provide information through the reporting line without giving your name. Please note that we also investigate anonymous tips. However, we cannot guarantee anonymity to whistleblowers, even if we try to honor their wishes. If you have additional questions about how we handle personal information, please see the “Whistleblowers” section of our Privacy Policy.

We ask for your understanding that the reporting line should only be used to report violations of laws, policies or regulations that we have imposed on ourselves. The reporting line is not intended for general complaints or warranty inquiries.

Our Staufen Code of conduct

The process is divided into three phases:

  1. Initial contact
    The aim is to obtain basic information about the facts of the case. Here we follow an already proven procedure for documenting (suspected) compliance violations. We want to get enough information to make an initial assessment of the severity of the (alleged) violations. At the same time, the possible communication channels with the person providing information are clarified – and the receipt of the report is confirmed.
  2. Evaluation of information and derived actions
    The whistleblower coordinator will be consulted on how to handle the tip. In principle, the procedure is based on the requirements of the law – laid down in Sections 17 and 18 of the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG). If necessary, the person providing the information will be contacted – as far as possible -, to obtain further information. Among other things, further investigation may be initiated or the case may be closed for lack of evidence.
  3. Conclusion of the process
    The whistleblower will be informed within the statutory deadlines – as far as possible and desired – whether and, if applicable, what measures have been taken on the basis of the information.

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