Like many other industries, the aviation and aerospace industries are undergoing a fundamental change. They are fields that drive technology, and they are already effectively leveraging new manufacturing processes. For example, Airbus now uses double-walled titanium fuel pipes.

Additive manufacturing helps make parts lighter and easier to produce. At the same time, digitization and connectivity offer opportunities for additional cost reduction, quality improvements and more flexibility in production.  

The path to this promising new world, however, is a difficult one, especially for the supplier industry geared towards mid-sized businesses. Many companies have not been working efficiently to date and need to optimize their processes throughout the entire value chain. Staufen offers you pragmatic solutions you can apply as you master these new challenges.

Staufen ranks #1 in the “Aerospace & Defense” industry in the renowned industry study by brand eins and Statista.

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Portrait David Gänsbacher

David Gänsbacher



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


Staufen’s concepts and solutions

The aerospace industry is undergoing a transition from being a state industry to private ownership. SpaceX and Blue Origin are both proof that projects can be accomplished at a fraction of the previous costs. As a result, waste and cost awareness also play a major part in the industry. This development has given rise to a shift in people’s thinking, which makes it possible to achieve continuous process improvement. Staufen supports you in reorganizing your structures, so you can hold your own successfully on the market. We guide your company on its path towards Lean Excellence, integrating Lean processes and establishing a teachable organization which encourages change.

In the field of aircraft construction, developments tend to take many years. Consequently, time is a critical factor in this industry. Companies often only manage to lower their development costs if their innovations reach the market before the competitors do. Staufen’s aviation experts support OEMs, systems providers and suppliers in coordinating their development tasks to be efficient and successful. The goal is to propel creative work on innovations forward in a structured fashion. Our experience shows that the Lean Management culture established in the production environment is just as effective as it is in R&D.

Projects in the aviation industry are defined by individual customer specifications. Effectively managing orders is critical to working successfully – above and beyond the walls of the factory.

Most projects involve significant amounts of development work and approval paperwork. The focus is thus not only on production, but often on engineering in particular, which often entails very long lead times. Many companies still have great potential here.

Professional variant management is also an indispensable part of being able to react quickly to individual customer specifications. It also helps keep the approval-related bureaucracy as simple as possible. Staufen is the competent partner you can trust for these tasks.

Projects in aircraft construction almost always involve long supply chains. The moment any one of the partners has difficulties fulfilling the orders they have committed to, it causes trouble for the other supply-chain partners. And due to approval-related legal provisions, it is often impossible to change providers. This makes it all the more important for everyone participating to work together as close partners. Processes need to be as efficient and smooth as possible, not only among OEMs and systems suppliers, but tier 2, 3 and 4 suppliers as well. We can support you with our expertise.

Maintaining, servicing and overhauling aircraft are processes with major financial and time constraints. Consequently, maintenance needs to be managed as efficiently and effectively as possible. Through our extensive project experience, time and time again we have seen that maintenance routinely occurs without proper standardization and transparency. Many companies have difficulties honoring their deadlines. But our aviation experts can work with you to analyze maintenance procedures and ensure a professional workflow and ideal levels of transparency.

STAUFEN ranks #1 in the “Aerospace & Defense” industry.

award beste berater 2024 DE

For the eleventh time in a row, Staufen was honored by brand eins and Statista as part of the renowned “Best Management Consultants 2024” industry study.

A big thank you to our customers for voting and, above all, for their trust in our consulting services – the basis for this excellent result ranking.

Your Contact
Portrait David Gänsbacher

David Gänsbacher



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


Your Contact
Sebastian Schneider

Sebastian Schneider



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0



If you would like to know more about the topic, contact our experts

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