Develop high-quality products quickly and reliably


Not every development leads to a successful project. Deadlines are missed, costs are too high, quality is compromised: Almost four out of ten development projects in the German mechanical and plant engineering sector fail to meet their targets. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by Staufen together with the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). 

The task environment and external framework conditions of our customers are changing faster and more radically than ever before. The requirements for the products to be developed are also changing.

Typical issues

  • Sustainable and holistic transformation of development systems according to Lean Management principles
  • Tailored hybrid development systems with the right balance between agile and plan-driven approaches
  • Optimization of the development or order fulfillment processes and technical change management
  • Implementation of Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
  • Increased effectiveness and efficiency in the multi-project landscape through excellent leadership and governance (cascaded deviation management, multi-project governance)
  • Structured frontloading of product development
  • Increasing competitiveness and profitability through value engineering
  • Optimization of variant and complexity management and standardization
  • Increasing development effectiveness by separating innovation from pre-series and series development
  • Design for Green: Translating sustainability requirements into technically clarified burdens and obligations and monitoring implementation
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Achim Oberacker Portrait

Achim Oberacker



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


How will you benefit

Improve efficiency and effectiveness

  • Increase project throughput in a multi-project environment
  • More robust processes and optimal use of resources
  • Clocked development
  • Short-cycle and cascaded deviation management

Increase product value

  • Effective and efficient requirements management through structured frontloading
  • Reduction of (internal) product complexity through effective variant management

Improve innovation performance

  • Early anticipation of markets and applications
  • Creative and iterative knowledge management
  • Effective product portfolio management
  • Agile use of the internal and external organization as a source of ideas
  • Designing products and services to meet needs

Increase flexibility and adaptability

  • Agile or hybrid leadership systems in product development
  • Sustainable culture of continuous improvement
  • Employee empowerment
  • A flexible, breathable and adaptive organization
  • Clear target development and continuous alignment

Adaptability and speed in product development are becoming decisive factors for success.

The scenario can be bleak: Development project lead times are already long and costs seem to be rising inexorably. As a result, the return on investment falls short of expectations. In the worst case, competitiveness is threatened.

But how can development lead times and costs be improved when at the same time the complexity of the technologies and the framework conditions continues to increase?

Task forces only provide a temporary fix for troubled projects and it is time-consuming and expensive to fix previous errors in the development system. In addition, they undermine all systematic, plannable ways of working and create a high level of stress for employees and resources – something that cannot be sustained in the long term.

We help our customers improve performance of their organization without overburdening them.

More projects with the same team: Sounds great, but how can that be achieved? Simply increasing the number of projects is not enough. You need to increase the efficiency of both the processes and the company.

Lean offers the right approach because efficiency is calculated from value added and waste. With less waste, less power is lost and output is higher. With less load. Successful companies prevent waste by purposefully configuring their development system. The solutions can be described in 7 fields of action: robust processes, the right organization, a strategy that provides direction, innovation management that is focused on continuously increasing product value, expedient (multi-)project management, product design methods, but also qualified people and leadership that enables value stream-oriented work.

In every development there is an even better one! Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your development system!

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White paper “variant and complexity management”

In order to remain able to act and thus to survive in these situations, companies should take timely measures to ensure that the complexity drivers variety, networking, and change remain in a healthy balance with one another.

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