
The new Staufen Academy Program 2022 is here!

November 25, 2021 | Academy

2021 has been a defining year that also presented fundamental challenges to our Academy, which cultivates exchange, seeing, experiencing and learning together. The pandemic and dynamic developments called for innovative solutions for effective learning of the future. Today, we can proudly look back on our experiences during the pandemic: By quickly adapting our face-to-face events to the virtual world, we not only ensured continued high-quality qualification but also successful sustainable learning under challenging conditions.

Based on this, we will expand our virtual qualification offering in 2022 and link it with our face-to-face offerings. Because we firmly believe that effective learning is an interplay of the right content as well as the right learning formats.

Our goal is to empower and qualify you, the learner, with new, high-quality learning formats where you want: offline, online or blended!

The pandemic has made it clear that targeted qualification is not an end in itself but a key factor in being able to respond efficiently and effectively to new challenges in the future and remain successful in times of dynamic transformation. In 2022, we will therefore focus even more systematically on our core topics. We are one of the best consultancies in the field of operational excellence. As we see it, this does not stop at production but extends to the entire value network and must therefore be consistently designed and implemented end-to-end, starting from the customer benefit.

Staufen AG offers its customers a unique combination of expert consulting and organizational development with an understanding that lasting process excellence cannot be achieved without leadership excellence. Inside every company there is an even better one. With this conviction, we enable companies to increase their value creation and establish a performance-enhancing, appreciative corporate culture.

We very much look forward to supporting you within the framework of your own project in further developing yourself or your company.

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The Staufen Academy will continue to accompany you on your path to top performance in the coming year by offering first-class qualification programs.

Want to find out more?

Would you like to take a closer look at our new Academy Program 2022? Download the digital version now or order the print edition to your home.

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