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Our Studies, White Papers and industry papers

Industry paper: Food
Apart from the large retail chains, the food sector in Germany is generally characterized by numerous small and medium-sized companies. Most of them have no experience with lean management to date. Producing small batches, delivering just-in-time and responding flexibly to customer wishes is therefore difficult for them to imagine.
Currently, the food industry is dominated by overproduction and excessive inventories. And that has a number of negative effects.

Industry Paper: Private Equity
Financial investments are in demand – now more than ever.
When it comes to analyzing a company’s numbers, financial investors are unreservedly among the professionals. But that doesn’t mean they also have a profound understanding of what is happening on the factory floor. The opinion of the companies surveyed in this private equity study clearly shows: financial investors are valued for their important role and are readily chosen as partners.
At the same time, however, companies would like to see more dialogue at eye level and a better understanding of the peculiarities of their respective industries. Yet, only if partners are on equal footing with mutual respect can the mix of entrepreneurial creativity and financial expertise with a strong capital base realize its full potential. – to the benefit of all involved.
More things to know

In times of rapid, sometimes even disruptive change, an organization’s ability to adapt and change is the success factor par excellence. Without a finely tuned culture of change that promotes a pioneering spirit and personal responsibility, it will not be possible to successfully anticipate future developments. In our podcast, business leaders and innovators discuss the challenges ahead as well as new ways and opportunities to flexibly adapt to them.
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