Interview with Dr. Alexander Wehr – President & CEO, BMW Group Latin America
Dr. Wehr, in Germany, the subject of cars is currently being dominated by the topics “exhaust gas scandal” and “driving bans”. What is this like in Mexico?
The BMW Group is committed to developing efficient mobility solutions and technologies that enable a maximum reduction of consumption and emissions of our vehicles. In terms of the diesel issue, it is important to note that it is not a present topic in Mexico and Latin America as this type of vehicle motorization is practically non-existent.
What role does e-mobility play in this market? What
do BMW customers say about that?
Electrification is one of the basic pillars of the BMW Group’s corporate strategy. In fact, by 2025, we will off er 25 fully electrified or connectable hybrid models in addition to the combustion engine option. In Mexico, hybrid and electric cars are becoming more popular and represent 8% of BMW’s total sales in 2018. As of now, we off er 8 electrified models in Mexico. In addition, we have installed more than 500 charging points throughout the country and are currently working on the installation of the fi rst electric corridor between our corporate office in Mexico City and our production plant in San Luis Potosi.
What is the biggest difference between Mexican and German car markets for you? Do Mexicans have a similar relationship with cars like the Germans?
Germany has a long tradition in vehicle design, manufacturing and marketing and is considered as one of the most competitive and innovative industries around the world. However, Mexico has consolidated and become an important industry player, registering sustainable growth and an exceptional labor force quality over the last decades.
Customers in Mexico and Germany are becoming increasingly similar. In Germany, cars are perceived as a symbol of success. Although they have not developed emotional relations with cars to the same extent as the Germans have, the Mexican society today is more demanding and seeking high quality vehicles, good design and accessible cars.
Finally, a personal question: What would you miss the most if you were to no longer work in Mexico, but rather at the headquarters in Munich?
The Latin American character and temperament. Mexicans are dynamic, open, innovating and warm.