Only 27 percent of industrial companies in Germany have actively looked at possible Smart-Factory projects, as revealed by the Staufen consultancy’s “German Industry 4.0 Index”. A majority of these companies apparently does not yet feel ready for the transition to a networked factory. It is true that some homework needs to have been completed before a successful transition can be started. Being lean and efficient is imperative to set off into the world of Industry 4.0. Lean Management and digitalisation go hand in hand. Making a successful transition into a smart factory is the topic of discussion with leading representatives from manufacturing industries together with scientific experts at the Staufen AG “BestPractice Day 2015” in Darmstadt from 8 to 10 June 2015.
“The next step towards an intelligent factory needs to be taken in 2015 to ensure that Germany retains its top position in the world,” explains Wilhelm Goschy, Executive Board member of the Staufen AG business consultancy. “However, many executives have not yet realised that they have already completed crucial preparations towards Industry 4.0. Because a smart factory is based on the foundation of efficient processes in production, development and administration. The transition into a digitalised world is thus not so much a revolution but an evolutionary process.”
Industry 4.0 is one of the central topics for Europe’s leading Lean Management congress. And a smart factory is not merely the topic of discussion. On the first day of the congress, a hands-on experience with Industry 4.0 is on the agenda: As part of a workshop at SEW Eurodrive in Bruchsal, participants can see for themselves how already implemented Lean philosophies and Industry 4.0 come together and complement each other.
Humans are a crucial factor in the digitalised world of industry. “More than ever, it is imperative to improve on the frequency and openness of communication in compliance with standardised rules. This applies particularly to executives whose presence on site in the factory hall is a must,” stresses the Staufen AG Executive Board member. This practice known as Shop Floor Management – another central topic at the “BestPractice Day 2015” – becomes ever more important. It will also be the subject of practice-related workshops, with locations including Trumpf in Ditzingen and Voith in Crailsheim.
Learning from the best – successful industry experts will illustrate the path towards the development of successful value creation systems in both theory and practice at the “BestPractice Day 2015”. The panel also includes out-of-the-box thinkers such as author and blogger Sascha Lobo who will look at Industry 4.0 and Lean topics from a different perspective.
For information about the leading Lean Management congress in Europe in Darmstadt from 8 to 10 June, please visit http://www.best-practice-day.com/