Shenyang, even being a 8 million city and growing to a 23 million metropolis area very soon, still does not have a German Chamber of Commerce. So where to bundle the networking activities of the economic heavyweights in the heart of Dongbei? Bars are not suitable, outdoor is not a favorite pastime in Northeast China…but we have the European Union. Shenyang with its two Megafactories from France and Bavaria, Michelin and BMW, is an ideal spot for a small but active European Chamber. Sierra Wang leads it since many years and the presidency is changing frequently from Johnson Controls to Michelin and BMW-Brilliance. 38 firms are the members of this relatively new EU Chamber in China.
Highlight of this year was the European football event…won in a dramatic final by the BMW-Brilliance over the Michelin team. The Sponsor was Staufen China, the newest member of the EU chamber and the most recent seat in the EUCCC board. EUCCC board member Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wagner, General Manager of Staufen China North, presented the trophy to the captain of the winning team.