This assessment is by no means only the opinion from the industry itself. “Also the rest of the industry sees the mechanical engineering corporations as one of the biggest profiteers from the Lean Management” says Wilhelm Goschy, executive of Staufen AG. “According to our study, mechanical engineering corporations are ranked behind the leader in the Lean Business – the automobile industry – but still leaving all other industries behind”. This good starting position may help mechanical engineering corporations to make the final step up to industry 4.0. Nine out of ten executives interviewed for the Staufen study, evaluated the Lean-Methods, such as process optimization, a value stream organisation or a variable and complexity management, to be important or even very important methods to achieve the transformation to a Smart Factory. Digitalisation of production is an important prerequisite for the manufacture with batch size 1. However, even the mechanical engineering corporations have some catching up to do. In nearly every second corporation, the improvement of the leadership performance, in the framework of Lean Management, is not implemented as it should be, even if they intended to. “Today, Lean has a goal of creating learning organisations which should be used by corporations to respond quickly and efficiently to changes and challenges”, Staufen COO Goschy points out. “Not processes, but the behaviour of the leadership and employees should be the focus of our attention. The goal: Lean Leadership”. Mechanical engineering congress in Salach (near Stuttgart) on 30th November 2016 The circumstances in the world economy are changing: Mechanical engineers, particularly from Asia, assume bigger parts of the market share and buy themselves in occidental competition. The clients are increasingly seeking individual solutions, the demand for standard machinery is decreasing. On the other hand, additional services around the product are gaining in importance. The fast-paced digitalisation offers a lot of opportunities – but also a lot of risks. On this congress, with the cooperation between Staufen AG, the VDMA Baden-Württemberg and the EMAG-Group, executives of mechanical engineer corporations will share their experience and successes, but also will their lessons learned. All information about this event can be found here:
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