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July 19, 2013 News Italia

IMW – Innovation Makes Wonders

Staufen Italia partner of AIB (Association of Industrial Bresciani) took part in IMW 2013, a day dedicated to innovation, innovators and creative thinking, organizing a workshop entitled “Good to Great”. This paper, based on research conducted by Jim Collins, was born from a desire to understand the participants how excellence is not proper to specific sectors but is the result of managerial characteristics that differentiate the excellent companies from competitors. These characteristics are not innate and can be learned and implemented: excellence has a method, the Staufen Excellence Model

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July 19, 2013 News Italia

IsUp Master StartUp

The project ISUP (Italian Start Up) grows in collaboration with the Associazione Industriale Bresciana – Gruppo Giovani. We decided to sponsor this project because we want to give support to companies set up by young people. Through this initiative have been selected business projects proposed by young people in order to promote the growth and development of Startup, providing concrete support in the start of the business through training initiatives aimed to create and strengthen the skills necessary to support the mentoring of young entrepreneurs and financial support.

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July 10, 2013 News Italia

BestPractice Day 2013

Last 4th and 5th June 2013 in Darmstadt was held the most important Lean Congress Lean with the participation of the greatest exponents of Lean including Dr. Marcus Chao and Dr. Jeffrey K. Liker. Under the slogan “Being condemned to Top-Performance”. During the first day covered topics related to: Lean Thinking Day, Lean Leadership, Lean Experts, Lean Transformation, Lean Enterprise.

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Digital & Information Management
June 8, 2012 News Italia

Consegnare in tempi brevi e con efficienza prodotti personalizzati

Anche quando si tratta di consegnare in tempi brevi e a costi ragionevoli prodotti realizzati su specifica del cliente è possibile riorganizzare i processi in senso “Lean” , eliminando sprechi e ottimizzando le risorse. Attraverso un’azione coordinata su livelli di standardizzazione del prodotto, creazione di punti di disaccoppiamento,  spostamento a valle delle attività di personalizzazione, logiche pull di gestione dei materiali, ecc., lo stabilimento di Brembate di Sopra (BG) è stato progressivamente riorganizzato con il supporto di Staufen Italia.

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Staufen Magazine

Staufen magazine. This issue once again features many colorful benchmark stories from different industries and sectors. The practical field reports deal with unusual strategies and solutions on how companies react to acute challenges on the one hand and continuously work on improving their performance on the other.

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In times of rapid, sometimes even disruptive change, an organization’s ability to adapt and change is the success factor par excellence. Without a finely tuned culture of change that promotes a pioneering spirit and personal responsibility, it will not be possible to successfully anticipate future developments. In our podcast, business leaders and innovators discuss the challenges ahead as well as new ways and opportunities to flexibly adapt to them.

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In our blog you will find insightful articles about the topics that drive us: Lean Management, Organizational Development, Digitalization, …

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